Improve your  talent pipeline and realise your diversity strategies

Working Parents Programmes

Coaching solutions for your parents and their managers is a powerful way to improve retention, productivity and make real headway in gender progression.

Parents get the support they need to manage pivotal transitions and understand how to reconcile work and life. Managers benefit from the tools, strategies and insights to support their team members in reaching their full potential.

Parental Transition

Coaching Feedback

Coaching Solution Icon - ECC

98% Said

The coaching programme contributed positively to my wellbeing

86% Said

The coaching has made me feel more positive about my future at the organisation
Retention Icon- Parental Transition Coaching

Retention Rates

A global investment bank saw its female retention rates rise from 70% to over 90% following the introduction of parental transition coaching

We make it easy icon- parental transition coaching

94% Said

Because my employer provided parental coaching I feel more valued

98% Said

They would recommend ECC's Parental Transition Coaching

Our solutions help you scale impact across your parents, carers and managers

Parental Transition Programme Image

Parental Transition Programme

One-to-One Parent Coaching – with exceptional coaches helps them to consider the essential aspects of achieving a successful parental transition and future career progression. That means they are more likely to not just stay in your organisation but also to thrive. We time these sessions to coincide with critical transition points.

Workshops or group coaching – for groups of parents at a similar transition stage will allow you to build networks in the organisation, essential for sharing experiences, normalising challenges and problem-solving. These communities are critical in developing a culture where your people can reconcile work and life and reach their full potential.

Manager Programme 2

Manager Programme

One-to-One Manager Coaching – Extensive research shows managers as ill-equipped to support individuals navigating parental transitions and changing working patterns. So, we will help them understand how to harness and realise the potential of their team. Our sessions ensure they have the, awareness, insights and tools they need. And you will create an environment that fosters inclusion and leads to business growth.

Interactive Coaching-based Workshops – adds the benefit of managers learning and sharing together, creating a community of leaders and a practical network for problem solving.  For you, it will help your organisation build a movement of change for you parents and an environment where everyone benefits from greater inclusion.

Resources for your working parents, carers, managers and those wondering about parenthood.

What Our Clients Say

What a valuable way to spend 90 minutes. Having not had any formal coaching before I was unsure how the session would go, but I came out feeling empowered with some great tools to manage work/life balance more effectively and felt validated in the decision I had made to date.
Parental Leaver 1:1 Coaching
Global Technology
It was very informative and good to be able to speak in an open and confidential environment with people that understand what it is like to return to work, after having a child. I think we are all very fortunate that we have this resource.
Parental Leaver
Global Investment Bank
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The parents we coach are 5x more likely to take on extra responsibilities or be promoted than those we don’t

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