readtime logo 1 min read / September 11 2024

Marzipan Layer Explained

Marzipan Layer Explained

What is the Marzipan Layer?

The Marzipan Layer refers to the workers at the middle management level. They might be people in their second or third positions within their career, who have already overcome the Sticky Floor phenomenon, but are yet to progress into senior management roles. The Marzipan Layer is this secondary sticky layer where the roles are just beneath the director or executive levels – or the Glass Ceiling of boardrooms. At this level the opportunities to progress face more competition, because they are fewer and further between. It could also be that individuals are being passed over for promotion by other colleagues and/or they could be facing gender biases such as the Motherhood Penalty.

Related Concepts 

Sticky Floor

Glass Ceiling

Related Research 

To find out more about the barriers women face please read ECC’s summary of:

‘When Women Lead, Firms Win’

‘Women’s Progression in the Workplace’ 

Related Resources

Click here to learn more about our research-inspired:

‘Boundaried Worker’

‘The Overlooked’

‘The Conscious Quitters’

‘The Lost Leaders’