readtime logo 3 min read / September 11 2024

The Executive Coaching Consultancy Joins the B Corp™ movement achieving B Corp™ status

The Executive Coaching Consultancy Joins the B Corp™ movement achieving B Corp™ status

We are excited to announce that we have officially joined the B-Corp movement and have achieved B Corp™ status. As one of the first independent leadership coaching consultancies to form in the UK, we are proud to be able to stand with over 2,500 B Corps™, across 130 industries and more than 60 countries around the world. All with a united purpose of using business as a force for good™.

The B Corp™ status is awarded to businesses that meet the highest standard of social & environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

CEO of ECC, Geraldine Gallacher, Commented:  

“Receiving B-Corp™ accreditation is such a great endorsement of the way we like to do business at ECC. When I first heard the term Good Business, I felt this tremendous sense of excitement and some measure of vindication. You see, I had always believed that you could run a business profitably but at the same time be thoughtful and considerate to your employees and suppliers as well as do some good in the world. There have been some along the way that felt that those principles were perhaps too egalitarian and questioned my commerciality at times. Was I focused enough on profit?  However, I’m so glad that I followed my instincts because right from the start ECC has attracted like-minded people who share my vision, starting with my partner Kate Buller who joined me in year two, and later Emma Spitz and Debbie Moore. Together we supported and challenged each other and held on to our good business principles as we grew the business globally. Over the years many more have joined us, attracted to our way of doing business and sharing our values around equitable and sustainable business. A natural step for us in 2019 was to launch our own non for profit ‘The Good Business Initiative’ headed up by CEO Michelle Weston.

When it came to qualifying for B-Corp™ accreditation, I’m proud to report that we didn’t have to fix very much because many of the good business principles of fairness and equity were baked in from the outset. We have really made an impact when it comes to improving gender diversity in our clients’ businesses but we’re not resting on our laurels and have a real desire now to do more to help leaders in organisations think more broadly about diversity and leading inclusively. I’m still excited about what’s possible and delighted to have joined the B-Corp™ movement where we can collaborate with many others focused on the same end goal.”

As businesses we all have a critical role to play in solving a broad range of social and environmental issues. We look forward to continuing our work in the good business space and working with the B-Corp™ community, our people, clients, and our partners to create a fairer and more sustainable society for all.
