Communicating, Networking & Influence
Communicating, Networking & Influence
- Book: Vital Conversations by Alec Grimsley
- Article: Why Women Need To Network Differently Than Men To Get Ahead by Caroline Castrillon
- Article & Podcast: Secrets of Successful Female Networkers by Inga Carboni
- Book: Who is in your Personal Boardroom by Zella King and Amanda Scott
- Book: FT Guide to Business Networking: How to Use the Power of Online and Offline Networking for Business Success (The FT Guides) by Heather Townsend
- Book: Women Don’t Ask: The High Cost of Avoiding Negotiation–and Positive Strategies for Change by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever
- Book: Business Networking by Ivan Misner, Hazel M. Walker, Frank J. De Raffelle Jr
- Article: Mentorship Is Not a One-Way Street by Cynthia J. Young